Belmont Primary School

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We aim to encourage a love of Music in all its forms and for children to be aware of the social opportunities and uplifting qualities of Music.


Through class Music lessons, children learn to listen, compose, sing and use tuned and un-tuned instruments. As their learning progresses, they understand some musical terms and use these to compose their own music. They learn songs from a range of cultures and with a variety of styles.


There are Christmas services at local churches during which children sing religious songs they have learned. The choir is very popular in school. It has always been highly regarded and plays at a number of concerts throughout the year.


Instrumental lessons are also offered to pupils through the Derbyshire Music Partnership for a range of instruments including the violin, flute and clarinet. All pupils in Y5 have the opportunity to play either the flute or violin/cello instruments as part of the Wider Opportunities Music project.
