The aim of Computing at Belmont Primary School is to equip children with all the necessary skills that will enable them to become independent learners who are comfortable using a variety of different platforms, software and hardware. At Belmont Primary School, we use the ‘Teach Computing’ scheme. This scheme ensures that children develop their understanding with concepts, skills and lessons which build on from each other. The scheme is themed around ten key strands:
- Algorithms — Be able to comprehend, design, create, and evaluate algorithms
- Computer networks — Understand how networks can be used to retrieve and share information, and how they come with associated risks
- Computer systems — Understand what a computer is, and how its constituent parts function together as a whole
- Creating media — Select and create a range of media including text, images, sounds, and video
- Data and information — Understand how data is stored, organised, and used to represent real-world artefacts and scenarios
- Design and development — Understand the activities involved in planning, creating, and evaluating computing artefacts
- Effective use of tools — Use software tools to support computing work
- Impact of technology — Understand how individuals, systems, and society as a whole interact with computer systems
- Programming — Create software to allow computers to solve problems
- Safety and security — Understand risks when using technology, and how to protect individuals and systems
By engaging with these different strands during computing lessons, children will learn how to use a variety of different laptops, computers, tablets, cameras, websites and software packages.
Computing, and the resources it uses, are increasingly inextricable from the wider curriculum and throughout their time at Belmont Primary School, children have the opportunity to use their Computing and Information Technology skills and knowledge in a variety of areas across the curriculum, including supporting their homework through the use of the Seesaw platform.