Jambo Kenya!
Jambo Kenya!
Jambo means hello in Swahili and year 3 have learnt some Swahili as part of their geographical study on the country of Kenya. During their project they have worked in class and at home to find out what life is like in Kenya and to discover the geographical features of the country. When using maps and atlases they have learnt how to use grid references to help them locate places on a map as well as using a key to identify other important places. As part of their homework they have created bar charts to show the rainfall or the number of animals found in one area and some children have even made food!
Homework Projects
Pupil Voice
I really enjoyed learning about the animals found in Kenya, especially the giraffe. We learnt about how the animals move around to find water in order to survive. For my homework I made chapati as a food eaten in Kenya, after I had done some research on the internet. Olivia